What does a logo design cost?

Good logos create a bond between brand and target audience.

Having a logo designed

The logo and corporate identity give a first impression of your business.
What the company stands for, what message it wants to convey.
It is important to have a logo that stands out. Tajriba is happy to help.

Important factors for a good logo
– The logo can be a word/image or a combination of the two.
– The slogan beneath the logo usually says something about the products and services.
– The corporate identity can be done in multiple colors or only in 1 color.
– A font style that suits the company.
– Style elements, specific shapes and elements.

Make impact with a unique experience

The consumer highly values brand experience. Your logo will be shown often and should exude certain values. Having a logo designed is a one-time company investment that you will keep reaping benefits from for years

Our work

It is best to view a complete project in our portfolio.

The process of a logo design

1. The briefing

The first step is to get to know your company, target audience, and goals. We draft a briefing together during a short conversation. This information is used to define wishes with specific goals and guidelines, which then lead to the design phase.

2. Research
An important part of the process is research into your competitors, the market, the people, trends, etc. It is important to create a logo that helps you stand out.

3. Sketching and multiple options
In this step, we make a rough sketch (black/white) with shapes and various font styles. The designer decides if this is done the old-fashioned way (on paper) or digitally.

4. Concepts of the logo

As a result of step 3, we now have enough concepts and rough sketches. Based on these, 2 complete logos are created. All concepts are made in black/white for clarity purposes, when the colors have clearly been determined beforehand, the concepts are also made in color.

5. Presentation
This is the best phase, because we proudly present the two logo designs to you. The presentation contains details about the design of each concept. In addition, it contains mock-ups of the branding for your business. We present various applications (website, store front, various background colors etc.) to help you visualize the final outcome.

6. Feedback
There is a feedback round after the presentation, in consultation we choose 1 logo design to continue working with. Possible feedback is noted and processed.

7. Delivery final version
Meets all the demands of a good and unique logo and if you are happy, we deliver all the logo files including the presentation.

The costs

Stefan Dijkstra - PrestaShop developer

It’s always hard to determine, because it depends on the input and how clear you are on what you want. A good logo can be made within 10 to 15 hours, including adaptions and presentations. However, the designer usually does work on it for a longer period of time. This is because he also draws inspiration for creative logos from his daily life. The usual duration for designing a logo will be 2-3 weeks.

Are you curious about the exact costs for you? Contact our designer Stefan and request a non-committal advisory interview.

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